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Spruce Up Your Front Entrance For Summer

Front Door

Nothing makes your home more charming and welcoming than a well maintained front entrance. Go beyond the standard front door and think of the multitude of ways you can spruce up your front entrance for summer!

Plant Flowers

When landscaping around your front entrance, it is always a good idea to have blooms. Flowers brighten your guest’s day when they enter your home and add color to your design.

Create a Pathway

Ensure landscaping includes a clear pathway to your front door. You can pour a concrete walk, lay a brick path, or place whimsical stepping stones. If your front door entrance does not connect to your driveway easily, consider creating a path directly to the road to ramp up the curb appeal.

Highlight House Numbers

Showing off your house numbers in a unique way shows you take pride in your home. Hang a planter box with the house numbers on the front, paint them on your garage door or front door, or make a custom sign to display them prominently.

Front Door Upgrades

If your front door does not grab attention, consider painting it a different color! When people look at your house, the front door should be the focal point. You can easily change out the hardware to switch the style. Consider removing the screen door to make the door more inviting. If you are really looking for an upgrade, replace the door altogether for something more energy efficient and stylish.


Outdoor lights are often overlooked! They gather cobwebs and dirt and tend to fade in the sun over time. Your lighting choice can change the whole style of your house from traditional to farmhouse to modern. Plus, having adequate lighting at night makes your home more beautiful and safe.

Whether it be landscaping or little upgrades, your front entrance can make a big impact with a little attention to detail. MN Home Improvements is here to help turn your ideas into reality!
