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Fall Home Improvement Tips

Backyard Deck

There are a lot of things that Minnesotans want to do before winter creeps in. Between the bonfires and apple orchard tours, set aside some time to roll up your sleeves and do some home maintenance, too. Your home may need it.

Care for Your Trees

Forbes magazine quotes arborist Bryan Gilles in saying, “The most important maintenance for a homeowner to do in the fall would be trimming [the] dead out of trees.” So be like the Lorax and speak for your trees.

Take a walk around your property and look your trees up and down. Check for signs of disrepair. Are there any big gashes? Has there been new growth in the tree? Do the branches and leaves look healthy and strong? If you’re not sure, it might be worth calling an arborist to make sure your trees are in good standing before the snow rolls in.

Seal Exterior Gaps

Unless you want a little friend burrowing in with you for the winter, make sure the exterior of your house is secure. Heavy-duty hardware cloth may be all you need to keep the mice out of your pantry.

Inspect Your Roof

Check your roof for signs of minor damage such as missing or broken shingles. You might save a lot of money if you can stop the problem before it grows. When water seeps through your roof from ice or snow, the damage will be much worse. Not only will you need to fix the roof eventually, but it will be difficult to fix during the winter and you will have to combat water damage.

If you don’t feel comfortable fixing it yourself – like many homeowners – contact the experts at Minnesota Home Improvements.

Clean the Gutters and Downspouts

During the fall, your gutters and downspouts will likely clog with leaves, dirt, or other debris. When it inevitably rains or snows, the excess water on your roof will have a hard time draining. Protect your home from potential water damage by keeping your gutters and downspouts clear.

When touching up your house this Fall, keep MN Home Improvements in mind. There is plenty of time to plan your next home improvement project. As a leading home improvement company, we have some great ideas to help you meet your renovation dreams.
