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Choosing Between Different Deck Style Options for Your Home


As Minnesotans, we know the value that summer weather brings, and there is possibly no greater way to enjoy summer weather than on a deck. With the ability to act as both entertainment areas and isolation areas, decks are a necessity to enjoy summer. Making sure you have the perfect deck for your home, neighborhood, and use case is necessary to ensure you get the most out of your investment.

Standard Decks

When you first plan a new deck or deck remodel for your home, your initial instincts are likley pretty standard. Common types of decks are attached to the home and are typically on the back of a home. They can be on the ground or elevated to provide patio or storage space beneath. Because of their simplicity and commonality, standard decks work well with nearly all home styles.

Detached Decks 

Another form of deck which goes well with most housing styles is the detached deck. Sometimes known as island or floating decks, this style is build separately and is not attached to the house. Because of this, it is often a focal point of a backyard or barbeque area.

Sunken Decks

One style of deck that is gaining popularity is the sunken deck. This style of deck features a sunken seating area within it. Because of its unusual aesthetic, sunken decks are becoming a favorite deck for high end homes or houses looking to glamorize their décor.

Tiered decks

Tiered decks are perfect for lake homes and houses wishing to incorporate multiple levels into the deck. This style of deck is similar to the standard but with multiple levels to the deck. In this way, you might walk down one, two, or even three flights of stairs going from deck to additional deck.

Exotic Decks

When looking to make a statement with your outdoor space utilizing an uncommon deck design can add sophistication and charm to your yard. Some types of exotic deck designs are the sliding deck, pool decks, infinite decks, and mini decks. These types of decks are perfect for highlighting unique aspects of your home or creating a space to wow guests.

Minnesota Home Improvements Solutions

The builders at Minnesota Home Improvements know how to incorporate your home’s unique elements to provide the perfect deck for you. Contact us today for an estimate or check out our past projects.

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